Coordinated Chronic Care Management (CCM) and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) helps enhance your independence by facilitating methodology-driven care management, resulting in sustainable new revenue growth. Learn more about what doctor-led support can do for you.
[Guide] CCM & RPM for Practices & ClinicsYour teams' directives and clinical methodology guide CCM and RPM coordinated care from end-to-end. We manage the implementation from ongoing evaluation and engagement to patient compliance and enrollment.
Our doctor-led, clinically-trained VHL Care Coordinators are dedicated to your practice or system and its unique healthcare needs, making our CCM support more profitable and personalized for you without requiring additional investment.
VHL Care Coordinators are dedicated to your patient panels, your doctors' directives and clinical methodology. They bridge gaps in care. They provide up-to-date assessments of patients' needs and patterns, including quality metrics and social determinants of risk.
Through monthly outreach, VHL Care Coordinators provide education and support, supplemental resources, and timely intervention using standardized clinical pathways and guidelines set by the clinic. Learn more about what makes VHL coordinated care special.
Proprietary HOPE App streamlines CMS required regular dementia screening for early detection.
Proprietary turn-key software. Intuitive dashboard features are CMS timer and data tracking compliant.
Vital Remote Links RPM supports your whole practice with devices and proven clinical support. We implement your program from enrollment to device onboarding, including VRL blood pressure cuffs, scales, and blood-glucose meters and data monitoring, education, and responsive, coordinated care from doctor-led, clinically-trained Care Coordinators. VRL RPM provides personalized care on your behalf for multiple use cases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, obesity, and more.
VRL RPM is easy, complete and ready to start—without investing time, resources or developing new technology.
Your RPM support includes blood pressure cuffs, scales, and blood-glucose meters that transmit clinical data cellularly (not limited by WiFi availability) to achieve quality measures.
VHL Care Coordinators provide next-level, complete care that feels like yours. We handle enrollment, processing cellular patient data, and responsive, clinical patient care based on your physicians' direction.